[ET] Baserace Scoreboard mod
Wednesday, 12 August, 2009, 06:42 -
Enemy TerritoryPosted by ned
This mod adds a scoreboard to the Enemy Territory map
Baserace by
Cptn Triscuit.
The Score is Tied!
0The Axis/Allies are ahead by 1!
+1The Axis/Allies are ahead by 2!
+2The Axis/Allies are ahead by 3!
+3The Axis/Allies are ahead by 4!
+4The Axis/Allies are ahead by 5!
+5The Axis/Allies have a commanding lead!
Baserace Scoreboard mod
(-download includes scoreboard mod-)
Installation is server dependent.
Default Installation is etmain.
Servers and clients,
zz_baserace-scoreboard-ned.pk3 &
baserace.pk3 into your
etmain folder.
default location is C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain
Baserace overviewIts a race, to build your base! Steal Construction Materials from your enemy's base and secure them at the various 'Capture Pads' located in your team's base. Different capture pads correspond to different base constructions and upgrades. Capture Pads can be used multiple times to upgrade constructions. Additionally, constructions can be 'synergized' by completing combinations of other constructions. The first team to complete 40 constructions or have the most completed when the timer runs out wins!>>>
• The original author of the scoreboard mod was
RayBan for
CTF Face (beta 1).
splashdamage.com/forums - CTF Face (beta 1)
• RayBan's scoreboard was adapted to Baserace by Daniel&Roland
splashdamage.com/forums - Baserace Final scoreboard• This adaptaion was further editted to make the "commanding lead" image to show a 'greater than' symbol.
unpacked/packed by me, image edit by
TOG DirtySnachez
This info is linked in "neds gaming goodies"