ned's blog

[ET] Litghthouse2 shell texture fix 
Friday, 24 July, 2009, 23:50 - Wolfenstein
Posted by ned
The final version of the map Lighthouse2 by Mrfin has a missing texture error.
"Couldn't find image for shader models/mapobjects/shell_sd/big_shell"

The below file fixes this problem.

Servers and clients place z_lighthouse2-shelltexturefix.pk3 into your etmain folder.
default location is C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain

Lighthouse2 (10-Nov-07)
Lighthouse2 shell texture fix

Download one or both from - link -

A pre-release private version of the original Lighthouse and the final public released version were played on the nedETPRO server during some custom map testing nights.

[archive] The nedETPRO custom map nights, info and history - link -

This page has been added to the neds gaming goodies page in the Enemy Territory section.

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