Fritz Bot is a mod that puts AI players into a server to play with or against.
-Complete bot support for RtCW Multiplayer, the bots behave as normal players would on a pub server.
-Full Class/Weapon support.
-Full chat command support, bots will call for medics, say great shot, welcome you when you join a game, taunt the enemy, and much more.
-Bots also respond to chats like medic, need ammo, etc, etc.
-Full support for all game modes.
-Support for ALL default RTCW maps as well as many custom RTCW maps
-A unique main menu GUI.
-Certain Shrub/Bani mod additions such as medics being able to toss medic packs while underwater, pack dropping when LT's/Medics enter limbo, and some others.
-The FG42 Paratroop Rifle fully implemented as an additional Soldier weapon and bot supported.
-RtCW patched to v1.41b
-Fritz Bot mod v0.54b
--Bot AI Skill: MEDIUM
--Bot Aim Skill: EASY
--Min. Bots: 2 (1 engineer per side)
--BOT numbers are controlled via binds by an admin.
-Fritz Media pack
-custom maps
-friendly fire ON
-screenshake ON [1]
-chargetimes DEFAULT
-punkbuster ENABLED
-GameArena settings-
• Patches
-Do you have the Game Of The Year edition?-
For standard (non-GOTY) install.º install official GOTY map-pack (v1.33) - link -
º install patch v1.40 - link -
º install patch v1.40 - v1.41 - link -
º install patch v1.41 - v1.41b - link -
For GOTY Edition.º install patch v1.33 - v1.40 - link -
º install patch v1.40 - v1.41 - link -
º install patch v1.41 - v1.41b - link -
• Mods
º Fritz Bot mod v0.54b (plus Media Pack and mp_assault fix) - link - 13.5MB
-download includes OPTIONAL te_frostbite No hitler pack, details - here -
• Maps
ALL default RtCW maps are playable with this BOT mod.
-note: please ensure you have the official Game Of The Year Map-pack if required-
The following custom maps are also available to play on the server.
º Foo Fighter [UFO] TE - link -
º Frostbite TE - link -
// mod specific client cvar
-Draws the reinforcement timer in the top left corner of you're screen.
-It's turned on by default but a value of 0 turns it off.
This setting is an option in the FritzBot menu.
FritzBot menu is available in the 'Controls' section.
FritzBot Official website - -