Friday, 22 October, 2010, 22:29 - Left 4 Dead
Posted by ned
CastorJudo has updated his four map Campaign Dark Blood to v2. This is a big update which includes Versus tweaks, engine and BOT improvements. See the readme for details!Posted by ned
Dark Blood is on both servers.
FlyingBandicoot has made a 4 map Left 4 Dead Campaign based on levels from the Crash Bandicoot series. Since the 'L4D The Sacrifice' update where they added VPK audio cache support the customs sounds aren't working but this is currently being addressed and an updated version will hopefully be out soon. A bit of a pain for mappers BUT much better for everyone once updated.
Crash Bandicoot Course v4.0 is currently on the test server and will be added to the main server once the customs sounds have been sorted.

Left 4 Dead servers info - HERE -
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