ned's blog

[UT04] AM/TAM v3 released! 
Friday, 30 June, 2006, 13:44 - Unreal
ArenaMaster v3.0 has been released. The new graphics have been completed and beta bugs fixed!
Version 3.0 is a complete rewrite of TAM 2.57, optimized for better performance and restructured in preparation for UT2k7. New features of major note include:

* All new scoreboard and stats screens
* New HUD design
* Radar Adrenaline combo (bb ff)
* Ammo Regen combo (ll rr)
* Random Pickups option
* Modified Friendly Fire system.
* More custom announcements and awards.

This will be on the server very soon!
Details coming including info/link on v3 Arena Master Map Pack!

details - HERE -

Stay Tuned :)

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[FEAR] new patch released - v1.06 
Friday, 30 June, 2006, 08:00 - FEAR
patch details:
This latest update corrects a loading issue with games saved before the 1.05 update and several other various fixes.

Download patch and read patch changelog history HERE -
Server will be updated and server details posted soon on forum.

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nerd saying hello 
Thursday, 29 June, 2006, 22:04 - >Nerd saying Hello!
Hi Abbi & Ewan!

...getting married in March! woOt!
Ab says don't forget to kiss her before work :P
(he keeps forgetting for those who don't know :o)

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[ET] gravyStats v0.12 released 
Monday, 26 June, 2006, 07:29 - Enemy Territory
gravyStats, by blakjack aka gravy, displays an etpro game's stats via a log file which is created during a game. This is nice to look at after a match (or sometimes not so nice to look at :P) to see, for example, who gave most damage to the other team.

For an example of the layout click - HERE -

For changelog history, support + feedback click - HERE -
See readme file for installation instructions.

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[ET] customs night 11 info! 
Saturday, 24 June, 2006, 11:03 - Enemy Territory
Here we go again :P

Thursday 29-June-06
from 8:30pm

King of the Flag (True Edition)
Fight hard to keep your own flag and get your opponents! Tight map with 5 second respawns makes for one crazy fast piece of gaming! ctf config will be used... config details - HERE -

Snatch 2
SteelRat's latest release! We'll be playing this with the beta 1 comp mapscript from mortis (see below)

All welcome!

Download maps - HERE -
Customs nights history - HERE -

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[ET] another mapscript for Snatch 2 
Saturday, 24 June, 2006, 10:49 - Enemy Territory
mortis has made a competion version (beta 1) mapscript for Snatch 2

Summary of changes:
All MG nests removed
All truck barriers removed
Removed bridge
More autospawn tweakage (irrelevant to comp)
Allied - Axis spawntimes set to 20/30 instead of 15/30
Map time reduced from 20mins to 15 mins (reduced to accomodate removed barriers)
Began process to remove health/ammo cabs (not sure how many to keep or remove)

Future changes:
remove some/all health cabinets?
remove some teamdoors to speed Axis travel times?
make truck easier to damage?

This is the current mapscript version on the nedETPRO server.
Discussion on a TE version of Snatch and this mapscipt - HERE -

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[ET] new map --- Supply Depot 2 
Saturday, 24 June, 2006, 10:34 - Enemy Territory
I've added Supply Depot 2 to the nedETPRO server because it's in the new slashquit ladder - LINK -

on server now
download from - HERE -

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[D3] nedMapPack v6 ready for testing soon! 
Tuesday, 20 June, 2006, 13:03 - Doom
Version 6 of my map pack series for the nedDOOM3 mod server will be ready for testing soon. I want to increase the custom maps in the server's cycle from 10 to 15.

Version 5 customs are:
-RSTDM2 - Redux
-Once Upon A Time ...
-Blood Burns 2
-The Campgrounds
-Deep Sea Research
-Mancer01 Reincarnated
-Station M

Stay tuned!

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[ET] map news and updates 
Monday, 19 June, 2006, 09:42 - Enemy Territory

Raw Castle & Raw Castle Tournament Edition
-pre-final versions of both maps are being privately tested on the nedETPRO server Thursday 22-June-06 from 8:30pm
-final versions released soon!


-removed Arhabeach for Arhabeach TE
-TE version has route and firing location changes plus bug fixes
-on server now!

King of the Flag
-removed KOTF for KOTF TE
-TE version has route and cover changes
-on server now!

CAHA: Tavern
-updated to beta 2 from beta 1
-beta 2 main changes include the cellar wall is now destructable by any explosives, grenades included, FPS inprovements and various bug fixes. Fireteam loctaions have been added for etpro. (fireteam locations made by me :P)
-on server now!

Download maps from - HERE -

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[ET] new mapscript for Snatch2 
Saturday, 17 June, 2006, 12:51 - Enemy Territory
This is a beta script by Mortis.
on server now
Corrected autospawns
Corrected endgame wait states
Removed bad TWO and spawns at CP
Created correctly working TWO and spawns at CP
Made a new autospawn system
Added wm_announcements for CP spawn activity

Test night soon!

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