ned's blog

ned-friendly software update - 'BlockNote for the Net' 
Tuesday, 16 June, 2009, 00:25 - >Misc Chat
Posted by ned
I've added another newbie friendly piece of software to my list.

Useful Free Software

BlockNote for the Net

This is an easy to use WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editor. I used this recently to make a readme for the SWAT4 reticle mod. I know zero about HTML so this program helped me, a lot! For full details of what this software can do, visit the site.

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[STALKER] SoC, sv_vote_enabled bit fields explained 
Sunday, 14 June, 2009, 13:57 - STALKER
Posted by ned
The server cvar to enable voting for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is sv_vote_enabled. From what I've seen on the internet no one knows how to ultilise this cvar fully with some incorrectly stating in server guides that a value of 1 is ON (and 0 is OFF).

sv_vote_enabled has bit fields that enables server admins to select and deselect the various voting options.

The voting setup in this game looks to have not been finished. An extra line in the menu called Text makes no sense and cannot even be activated. The interger range for this cvar 0-255.

Here are the bit fields required to work with the voting options.
sv_vote_enabled 0 (disables the voting menu)

+2 Restart
+4 Quick restart
+8 Drop
+16 Ban
+32 Change map
+64 Change weather

sv_vote_enabled 126 (full voting options enabled)
sv_vote_enabled 255 (full voting options enabled)

To choose what voting option you want to use start from 0 (OFF) and add each number corresponding with the option you want on. Use the sum of what you end up with in your server config or enter it into the console.

eg. To only enable map restart and map voting use:
sv_vote_enabled 34


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blog change 
Sunday, 7 June, 2009, 07:34 - >Misc Chat
Posted by ned
I've combined my Servers List page with the old Info, Link and Downloads page. Everything is now indexed from the one page (on right), neds gaming goodies.

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SWAT 4 reticle mod 
Sunday, 7 June, 2009, 00:51 - SWAT
Posted by ned
This small mod alters the SWAT 4 reticle in both singleplayer and multiplayer. The various Weapons and equipment in the game have various reticles ranging from the weapons having a center dot with spread indicators to tools having a center dot inside a circle. This mod removes all reticle parts except the dot and makes this dot larger. I would have removed the reticle completely if the game had an aim-down-site function.

The reticle mod will work with:
-SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate
-many SWAT 4 Mods eg. Sheriff's Special Forces (SSF) Realism Mod

Thanks to the following!

• Jaster ( - Editor info
• Vetinari ( - .dds editing
• TOG Fox & TOG Carcas ( - testing and feedback

-full details including installation instructions come with the download-

SWAT 4 reticle mod - link - 450KB

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[BF2] v1.50 beta patches & insta-prone noobs 
Wednesday, 13 May, 2009, 08:20 - Battlefield
Posted by ned
Many people know that the 1.50 patch for Battlefield 2 is in a public beta testing phase - LINK. Beta 1 was released to the public late April. There were some nice things in this like additional support for Windows Vista, a new map, various changes made to prevent cheating, added support for Widescreen resolutions, and increased the time to go prone after jumping from 0.3 seconds to 0.7 seconds. The last two I thought to myself FINALLY and GOOD WORK!! Full details - HERE.

Beta 2 has just been released. I read the changlog and could not believe my eyes.
• Consensus to revert to 0.3 second delay between jump and prone - Fixed


Beta 2 full details - HERE -

The beta patches can be discussed over at The Older Gamers Public FPS Forum ... tches.html

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[UT3] patch #5 released! 
Tuesday, 5 May, 2009, 12:13 - Unreal
Posted by ned
Epic games are still releasing updates for Unreal Tournament 3 which is awesome to see! This latest release is patch #5 (v2.1). The recent release of patch #4 (v2.0) and the Titan Pack saw this average game turn into the great game it deserved to be.

UT3 patch changelog - here -
UT3 Titan Pack info - here -

More UT3 goodness in the Info, Links and Downloads section of the blog.

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[UT04] Anti TCC and ProAsm's mods news 
Sunday, 19 April, 2009, 06:53 - Unreal
Posted by ned
• After nearly two years of 'cancelled developement time' Anti TCC for Unreal Tournament 2004 is back. Wormbo (Anti TCC's creator) has spent the last few months working on his 2009 version of this excellent Anti-Cheat mod. Development can be followed from his website and discussed over at

There are some new features like the secured console class and some bug fixes, check out the manual for details.

-Wormbo's Homepage
-Wormbo's Homepage - UT 2004 Downloads | Anti TCC
-Unreal Admins | Forums | Wormbos Area

• Due to conflicts with Anti TCC's secured console feature many mods are affected and will have to be updated to work again. ProAsm has update his mods.

As well as updating his UT2Vote mod to work with the latest Anti TCC, ProAsm has added some features and fixed some bugs.

Fixes and Changes in UT2Vote 5.9
• Fixed the Ghost maps found in the clients menus.

Fixes and Changes in UT2Vote 5.8
• Fixed the Unban Player bug in the Kick Menu.
• Fixed where the UT2Vote image was overlapping the counter.
• Fixed the unban button changing incorrectly in the banlist.
• Fixed the console commands to be more compatible with AntiTcc 2009.
• Added Silent SpecSpy for the Admin.
• Added the option for a Semi Admin to ban players.
• Added so a Semi Admin can now Pause / Unpause a game.

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Unreal nostalgia! 
Monday, 13 April, 2009, 09:49 - Unreal
Posted by ned
If you have played Unreal, the 1998 Epic gaming masterpiece in both the singleplayer and multiplayer varients and have Unreal Tournament 2004 and Unreal Tournament 3 then you will appreciate the info below as it's guarenteed to give you a smile and think back to the awesome moments of being engrossed in the Unreal Universe.

A mapper by the name of Frank 'Noz' Bakker created a custom map for UT2004, an Unreal 1 themed onslaught map set in the mountains of Na Pali. This map not only supported Editor's Choice Edition content it included music from the original Unreal and even had Nali Healing Fruit to go! The map is ONS-CBP2-Valarna-ECE.

One of the new maps that comes with the recent Titan Pack for UT3 is WAR-Hostile. It's set in Na Pali where the original Unreal game was set. It's a beautiful looking map with great atmosphere and contains the sounds of the Nali. You can hear these sounds under the Prime Node near the small fire in a clearing at the entrance of a cave. You will have to search this map on your own though to find this area as WAR-Hostile is very fast map with intense gameplay!


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[VC] full HradBa anti-cheat details now on this site 
Monday, 9 March, 2009, 11:09 - Vietcong
Posted by ned
HradBa is the anti-cheat system used for the Vietcong game. It's no longer being developed and the master servers are no longer active so the latest version of this system is becoming harder to get. To get the latest version you have to either join a server with it installed and enabled or download it from this site.

Full HradBa detail are in the - Info, Links and Downloads - section.

Included is:
-HradBa, what is it?
-HradBa readme file, kick codes and false-positives list
-HradBa v206 download
-Behind the Scenes in the Making of HradBa
-Links to Auscong, United Admins Limited, official game site and Pterodon

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Doom 3 co-op server replaced by Left 4 Dead co-op server 
Saturday, 28 February, 2009, 06:14 - >Games (PC)
Posted by ned
I've shut down the Doom 3 Last Man Standing Co-op mod server. In it's place is a Left 4 Dead server (nedL4D).

Initial tests last night went well.
Full details posted here within the week.


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