ned's blog

Contact Ned now added to blog 
Thursday, 18 September, 2008, 21:40 - >Misc Chat
Posted by ned
Because I'm removing the forum and adding the info to static pages within the blog, I've added a 'Contact Ned' line.

BUT... I accidently deleted a message sent to me yesterday :o
Please send it again whoever you are ;p


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blog and forum news 
Tuesday, 16 September, 2008, 12:10 - >Misc Chat
Posted by ned
...just a quick note, the blog is being updated and the forum will be replaced with static pages in the blog

more details soon :)

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server news 
Tuesday, 2 September, 2008, 23:41 - >Games (PC)
ok... it's been a bit quiet around here of late!

Here's a list of what will be happening soon.
• Crysis Instant Action (deathmatch) server has one more test night before completion.
• Medal of Honor Airborne server has a 2 or 3 more test nights before completion.
• Far Cry 2v2 Assault mod (server pack) has one more night before completion.
• Unreal 2004 server. I'll create a download pack for all the custom content (except the Epic Games Official Bonus MegaPack which includes the latest patch v3369). Many of the links I've provided have died over time. I'll provide a pack so all that's required will be two downloads. Fast server downloads will still remain available :)
• Star Wars Battlefront 2 server near completion. Black Bag Operations Star Wars Battlefront II server manager v1.10 will be available for download here soon.
• FEAR servers will be tested with ServerShield (SEC).

There is many many many more things 'to do'. That's just a list of most things that will be done in the near future.

Don't forget, if you would like to be involved in testing of games, custom maps and mods, feel free to join my xfire group.
- -

Events are held when time permits.
I also take server requests ;p

My game server runs 24 hours a day but usually with only one game active at a time.
Most of my server names start with ned.

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[ET] FritzBot test night 
Monday, 21 July, 2008, 12:47 - Enemy Territory
I've set up a map-cycle to give the FritzBots a good run on some of the recent waypoint packs released.

Tuesday night from 8:30pm 22-July-08

The Port
Darji 2
CAHA Tavern
Glider 3
Rail Gun

Once ET is fully patched, all you need to do is download the FritzBot mod... the maps and waypoint packs are all downloadable from the server (fast downloads).

nedET FritzBot details - here -

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[ET] FritzBot server update 
Sunday, 20 July, 2008, 23:04 - Enemy Territory
420Blunt has made a playable version 1 waypoint pack for Rail Gun! Due to the mod not being finished, this map has eluded waypointers for quite some time. It plays OK but needs feedback... it's a 'work in progress'. Contact me with feedback or post on the official FritzBot forum - link.

TomTom has updated his Glider 3 pack to version 0.05
-improved CP use
-better balancing
-note: island spawn still not being used (for now)

Both updates are now on the server. There have been quite a few new things happening with FrtitzBot support recently so a full night of play testing is coming soon!

nedET FritzBot details - here -

>> stay tuned for test night date/time and map-cycle details!

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[D3] Doom 3 mp_vchat fix 
Friday, 11 July, 2008, 13:51 - Doom
The Doom 3 multiplayer voice commands never worked properly, even with the latest patch.
I've made a client config pack that fixes this.

• Works with Resurrection of Evil and most mods.
• Servers do not have to have the files for them to work.
• Will not conflict with Punkbuster.

Details - here -

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Paintball 2 test night soon 
Wednesday, 9 July, 2008, 00:23
Dummy from my - testing team - has requested a Paintball 2 test night! This was originally a Quake 2 mod and now a standalone game. It's very fast paced and a lot of fun!

Website - link -

Contact me if you're interested in playing/testing ;p
Test server coming soon!

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[D3] Doom 3 RoE SABot mod v1.3.1 
Wednesday, 9 July, 2008, 00:10 - Doom
Jarad "TinMan" Hansen put together a BOT mod for the Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil expansion pack. Not only did he do this, he updated it to run with the latest patch v1.3.1 !!

After a successful initial test - link -, a server will now be setup and ready to go on request.

Details - here -

Other work from TinMan:
• SABot for Quake 4 v1.4.2 - link -
• Dusk mod for Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars - link -

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[ET] maps added to FritzBot map-cycle 
Wednesday, 9 July, 2008, 00:04 - Enemy Territory
I've installed the beta keyword_fix on the server. This fix enables larger maps to be waypointed and played. Info - link.

Maps added to the map-cycle:
-The Port

nedET FritzBot details - here -

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[ET] ET server update! 
Friday, 4 July, 2008, 00:42 - Enemy Territory
I've added some maps to the FritzBot server and ETPro server.

new maps for FritzBot:
-Bloody Omaha - TNR360 -
-Bremen - Dersaidin -
-Crevasse - Dersaidin -
-Darji 2 - Loffy -

a couple of new maps in progress added for download
-Rock Eyes - zedd -
-The Port - Magic -

info and download links - here -

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