ned's blog

[MOHAA] Breakthrough Runner install note 
Saturday, 12 May, 2007, 07:40 - Medal of Honor
By request i've updated the install instructions for Apextwin's MOHAA Breakthrough server utlility. I've added to the install info which will hopefully explain the install process better ;]

MOHAA Breakthough Runner v1.0.9
Develeoped by Apextwin
-------downloaded from--------

MOHAA Breakthough Runner is a utility that helps set up a MOHAA-BT dedicated server.


• run and install BTRunner_v1.0.8.exe


• open the 'v1.0.8 - v1.0.9 (updated .exe)' folder.
>>> DO NOT RUN BreakthroughRunner.exe yet <<<

• copy 'BreakthroughRunner.exe' and paste it into your installed 'Breakthrough Runner' folder
default location is C:\Program Files\Game Runners\Breakthrough Runner
select Yes to overwrite

ie. you are simply replacing (updating) the BreakthroughRunner.exe file
this will change the initial install from v1.0.8 to v1.0.9

Enjoy MOHAA Breakthough ;]

'Breakthrough Runner' can be downloaded from - here -

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[RtCW] FritzBot night 16-May-07 
Saturday, 12 May, 2007, 05:42 - Wolfenstein
RtCW FritzBot will be run Wed 16-May-07 from 8pm

What you need:
-RtCW patched to v1.41 (I recommend v1.41b)
-fritzbot mod folder
-2 custom maps

details - here -

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[D3] Last Man Standing Coop mod news!! 
Wednesday, 9 May, 2007, 10:05 - Doom
LMS Co-op v4 is being released soon!

• compatible with Doom 3 patch v1.3.1
• networking tweaks
• fps tweaks
• new maps
• plus much more!

news details - here -

This is a fantastic mod! Highy recommended. Play against the Doom 3 monsters with your mates online or over a LAN, either way it's happy times for all involved ;p

I'll have a server up for this when it's released.
...more info soon

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[BF2] Co-op server update 
Monday, 7 May, 2007, 08:58 - Battlefield
I've found a single-player/coop mod that will work online with a few tweaks and includes the three maps that default BF2 doesn't support in Co-op mode. The mod is called Bf2SP64 v2.31.

Now ALL maps are available to play Co-op ;]

details - here -

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[ETQW] Quake Wars server news 
Friday, 4 May, 2007, 14:43 - ET: QUAKE Wars
When Enemy Territory Quake Wars is released I'll be setting up and running a server for it. It will be a home for playing/testing custom maps and competition mods.

Unfortionately, I'll be removing the ET/RtCW server to do this. I'll still have the home test servers availabe on request.

...more news soon.

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[RtCW] FritzBot mod server completed 
Friday, 4 May, 2007, 14:29 - Wolfenstein
I've setup a FritzBot RtCW mod server. It runs the latest version (v0.54b) plus the Fritz Media Pack. I've set this up to run on demand. When ETQW is released I'll be running a server for it. Unfortionately to do this I'll be removing my ET/RtCW server. This is why I've setup this mod. I want to get some good RtCW games in before ETQW is released. If we're low on numbers I'll just add some BOTs ;p

Thanks to TOG|SnakeTails for helping me test the server.

For those who don't know, The FritzBot mod creator, Maleficus, has been employed by ID to setup the BOTs for ETQW ;]

RtCW server details and mod download - here -

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[ET] server update 
Friday, 27 April, 2007, 11:50 - Enemy Territory
I've patched up several exploits on the nedETPRO server via the installation of a Lua module by ReyalP and McSteve.

ALL installed configs on the server will load this module.

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[BF2] Australian Forces mod 
Friday, 27 April, 2007, 11:33 - Battlefield
I recently looked at the Australian Forces mod for BF2 and I have to say, I'm impressed!

From the official FAQs
Q: What is the Australian Forces mod about?
A: Battlefield 2: Australian Forces is a singleplayer and multiplayer modification for the team-based modern warfare game Battlefield 2. The aim of the Australian Forces modification is to replace the United States forces with Australian forces; including new player, weapon and vehicles skins, HUD changes, and new weapons and vehicles in future releases.

We aim to base the mod as closely to the real ADF as possible, although we make no excuses for sometimes sacrificing this realism to keep the gameplay balanced and fun in terms of the Battlefield 2 universe - after all, that is why we play and develop mods!

This mod is well worth a look!
For full details see the official site:
- -

The Co-op element of the game adds to some of the standard maps that are not available to play with standard BF2:
• Kubra Dam
• Mashtuur City
• Wake Island

There is also a custom map available:
• Kubaysah Cement Factory

I've setup a Co-op server for the AUS Forces mod.
details - here -

I had to edit an .ai file to get the BOTs to work how I wanted them ie. team size and balancing using the standard BF2 coop server settings. Details on how to do this are - here -

See the following server to play Conquest:

Internode AusForces #1

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[D3] FAQ re problems entering Doom 3 servers completed 
Saturday, 21 April, 2007, 04:24 - Doom
I've given explanations of three common issues people get when trying to enter a Doom 3 server.
"this server requires punkbuster"
"server uses protocol 1.41"
"Data not in sync with server data"

details - here -

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[ET] mapscript update for Vesuvius (beta 1) 
Friday, 20 April, 2007, 07:48 - Enemy Territory
mrfin & FireFly has released a mapscript update for Vesuvius (beta 1). It fixes a mystery scripting error ;o
...anyway, server has been updated :]

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