ned's blog

[ET] map update --- Crevasse (beta 3) 
Friday, 10 November, 2006, 10:23 - Enemy Territory
Dersaidin has updated his latest creation, Crevasse, to beta 3 =]

New scene:
Spies have discovered the location of an Axis facility built inconspicuously into an natural crevasse. Spies reported that there is valuable information kept somewhere in the base.

beta 3 changes:
• final objective is now a doc run
• docs are where beta 1/2 final objective was
• transmitter now near axis spawn
• axis can no longer boost into the room at the bottom of the elevator shafts
• allies can no longer TK-revive over the cage to get to the second phase
-see readme for details-

Crevasse can be downloaded from the server or - here -
beta 3 will be played on a future customs night... stay tuned!

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