Server not available. Battlefield 2 patch v1.5 released. News soon regarding this server.
Battlefield 2: Australian Forces is a singleplayer and multiplayer modification for the team-based modern warfare game Battlefield 2. The aim of the Australian Forces modification is to replace the United States forces with Australian forces; including new player, weapon and vehicles skins, HUD changes, and new weapons and vehicles.

• BF2 Australian Forces site - http://users.on.net/~arkanis/bf2 -
Putting together dedicated online game servers is a hobby of mine. Most of the servers listed in this blog are run from one of my home connections and are fired up by request. I can be contacted via this blog or at theoldergamers.com (Ned). Home IPs are dynamic.
Server not available. Battlefield 2 patch v1.5 released. News soon regarding this server.
Battlefield 2: Australian Forces is a singleplayer and multiplayer modification for the team-based modern warfare game Battlefield 2. The aim of the Australian Forces modification is to replace the United States forces with Australian forces; including new player, weapon and vehicles skins, HUD changes, and new weapons and vehicles.
external view - enabled
nose cam - enabled
hit indicator - disabled
spawn time - 15 seconds
ticket ratio - 100
friendly fire - 100
friendly fire with mines - enabled
voip - disabled
punkbuster - enabled
bot difficulty - hard
-can start a game and vote with only one human player-
Battlefield 2 v1.41 patch - link -
Australian Forces v1.01 mod - link -
Dalian Plant
Daqing Oilfiends
Dragon Valley
FuShe Pass
Gulf Of Oman
Kubaysah Cement Factory [CUSTOM MAP]
Kubra Dam
Mastuur City
Operation Clean Sweep
Road to Jalalabad
Sharqi Peninsula
Songhua Stalemate
Strike At Karkand
Kubaysah Cement Factory NIGHT [CUSTOM MAP]
Zatar Wetlands

• BF2 Australian Forces site - http://users.on.net/~arkanis/bf2 -
Putting together dedicated online game servers is a hobby of mine. Most of the servers listed in this blog are run from one of my home connections and are fired up by request. I can be contacted via this blog or at theoldergamers.com (Ned). Home IPs are dynamic.