ned's blog

[ET] new map --- CTF-Face (beta 1) 
Monday, 28 May, 2007, 11:24 - Enemy Territory
For the Unreal Tournament lovers out there who also play ET.... we have a UT map remake !!

by ==Troy==, Broloi, Flippy

This is a great remake :] For those strange people who set r_fasksky to 1 (it's for fps right? lol), do yourselves a favour and turn it off ;p

Download from server or - here -

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[ET] map update --- Glider 3 v3.0.2 released! 
Sunday, 27 May, 2007, 09:14 - Enemy Territory
An update to the excellent map Glider by 2Bit has been released!

Changes include:
• major spawn alterations
• the 2nd tank barrier has been moved to be closer to the outpost
• axis CP moved to the outpost
• axis compound spawn enlarged to give more shoulder room
• ladder added to allow access to the top of the garage

I'll post more details soon!
Download map from server or - here -

expect a public customs map night shortly with this one!

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[ET] CAHA: Tavern etpro spawn selector update 
Sunday, 27 May, 2007, 08:10 - Enemy Territory
I've made an addition to my etpro spawn selector for the map CAHA: Tavern by redRum.
v1.1 has etpro echo control values... instant popup and stay a bit longer.

download map and spawnselector - here -

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[ET] CAHA Tavern fritzbot support! 
Tuesday, 22 May, 2007, 12:34 - Enemy Territory
The map CAHA Tavern by redRum now has basic FritzBot support thanks to the efforts of TomTom :)

CAHA Tavern is a favourite on nedETPRO server.
Now it can be played with the FritzBot mod!

map and fritz_caha_tavern pack can be downloaded from server or - here -

This fritz support pack is an early work in progress. I'll be hosting a test night soon!
stay tuned...

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[ET] GameArena season 10 coming soon 
Friday, 18 May, 2007, 22:48 - Enemy Territory
The GameArnea season 9 ET 6v6 ladder has just finished with Team Modus Operandi defeating Adversus. Both teams are previous ladder winners.

grand final maps played were:

ETTV demo available - here -

There is now discussion on possible new map inclusions for season 10. I've added a temp SW map-cycle of maps that could be worthy of being in the GameArena season 10 6v6 ET ladder. Some are based on my opinion while others have been mentioned in map discussions in the GA forum.
• caen 2
• Supply
• Base 12 (beta 6)
• Bremen (beta 1)
• Frost Competition Edition (beta 6)
• Special Delvery 2
• Negoshk (beta 1)
• karsiah TE 2
• Sub Base

My personal favourite in this list is Base 12.

edit: added Negoshk (beta 1), karsiah TE 2 & Sub Base by request

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[RtCW] new info for servers! 
Wednesday, 16 May, 2007, 13:20 - Wolfenstein
note: if you DO NOT own RtCW Game Of The Year edition then you need to download the official GOTY map-pack!

download - here -

thanks to Shrek for letting me know about this!
sorry for those who couldn't play these maps tonight ;o

RtCW server details - here -

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[ET] map update --- Vesuvius 
Sunday, 13 May, 2007, 07:35 - Enemy Territory
A voice-over pack has been released for Vesuvius (beta 1).
It will be included in the map's next release. In the mean time it can be downloaded with the map from the server or - here -

To download it seperately you can go to the offical wesite - here -

Jump in and check out this great map!

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[MOHAA] Breakthrough Runner install note 
Saturday, 12 May, 2007, 07:40 - Medal of Honor
By request i've updated the install instructions for Apextwin's MOHAA Breakthrough server utlility. I've added to the install info which will hopefully explain the install process better ;]

MOHAA Breakthough Runner v1.0.9
Develeoped by Apextwin
-------downloaded from--------

MOHAA Breakthough Runner is a utility that helps set up a MOHAA-BT dedicated server.


• run and install BTRunner_v1.0.8.exe


• open the 'v1.0.8 - v1.0.9 (updated .exe)' folder.
>>> DO NOT RUN BreakthroughRunner.exe yet <<<

• copy 'BreakthroughRunner.exe' and paste it into your installed 'Breakthrough Runner' folder
default location is C:\Program Files\Game Runners\Breakthrough Runner
select Yes to overwrite

ie. you are simply replacing (updating) the BreakthroughRunner.exe file
this will change the initial install from v1.0.8 to v1.0.9

Enjoy MOHAA Breakthough ;]

'Breakthrough Runner' can be downloaded from - here -

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[RtCW] FritzBot night 16-May-07 
Saturday, 12 May, 2007, 05:42 - Wolfenstein
RtCW FritzBot will be run Wed 16-May-07 from 8pm

What you need:
-RtCW patched to v1.41 (I recommend v1.41b)
-fritzbot mod folder
-2 custom maps

details - here -

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[D3] Last Man Standing Coop mod news!! 
Wednesday, 9 May, 2007, 10:05 - Doom
LMS Co-op v4 is being released soon!

• compatible with Doom 3 patch v1.3.1
• networking tweaks
• fps tweaks
• new maps
• plus much more!

news details - here -

This is a fantastic mod! Highy recommended. Play against the Doom 3 monsters with your mates online or over a LAN, either way it's happy times for all involved ;p

I'll have a server up for this when it's released.
...more info soon

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