Wednesday, 12 August, 2009, 05:37 - Left 4 Dead
Posted by ned
I have two Left 4 Dead servers. One runs 24/7 and one is a test server that runs on demand. The test server contains all the content of the main one plus various custom content for testing/playing.Posted by ned

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My semi-private Left 4 Dead server is mainly used for Steam Achievement play. Attaining the various achievements can be a lot of fun and encourgaes a variety of ways to play the game. Besides this it can be used for just playing; Campaign, Survival or Versus mode.
• Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) - ENABLED
• Non-pure clients kicked - ENABLED
• File consistancy checks - ENABLED
• Auto Kick - DISABLED
sv_search_key set for semi-private use
• ALL gameplay server cvars are set to their defaults.
• [plugin] Achievement Notifier by Fexii, modded by ZNemesis
• [map] Dead Line (campaign & Versus)
• [map] Death Aboard, beta 6.1 (campaign & Versus)
• [map] DeadCity, vpk5 (Campaign & Survival)
• [map] Hunter Training, v2.6 (Versus, training)
• [map] Dead Meat, (l4d_abattoir) rc1 (Survival)
• [map] Jungle Crisis, v1.2 (survival)
*Clients require the maps to play*

• runs on demand
• same base config as main
• test server has ALL the custom content the main one has plus more
-[plugin] Director Controller v1.4.5
-[map] Helms Deep, v3 (Survival)
---turn off music in options else hear both tank and LOTR music!
---Blow the horn on top of tower to start!
-[map] Bedrooms 3: Bite Size, v1.0 (Survival)
-[map] Night Terror, beta 1 (Campaign)
-[map] Heaven Can Wait, v8.0 06-Aug-09 (Campaign)
*Clients require the maps to play*
"contact me if you would like any custom content on the server to test"
Server status and latest info is recorded - here -
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