ned's blog

[D3] nedMAPPACK v6 2nd trial maps listed 
Saturday, 23 June, 2007, 03:21 - Doom
OK... I've finally put together a list of maps that I think will be in the nedMAPPACK v6

Testing in all gametypes will start soon after I complete a map-cycle and package the map-pack.

Here is the list:
Dark Base
d2map01 - Entryway
Dark Town (replaced D3DM_LV1024)
The Campgrounds
Catacomb v2
Blood Burns 2
Mancer01 Reincarnated EX
Tomiko Reactor
Wrong Turn
Deep Sea Research
Station M

Map details including author credits etc - here -
nedDOOM3 server details plus more - here -

edit: replaced D3DM_LV1024 with Dark Town

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[ET] nedETTV update 
Friday, 22 June, 2007, 05:17 - Enemy Territory
New ETTV test binaries have been released.
post beta 13, version 10-April-07

fixes include:
-start up windows 999 lag
-demo fixes

These test binaries are on the server and i can confirm the windows 999 fix works ;]

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[Q4] v1.4.2 patch released! 
Tuesday, 19 June, 2007, 13:02 - Quake
id have released a patch for Quake 4 - v1.4.2
The server has been updated from v1.4.1 beta to v1.4.2

Changes include:
• movement tweaks
• network tweaks
• hitsound tweaks
plus more!

The game has a definite movement change.
Movement around the maps appears to flow much better now.

Full changelog - here -

Thanks to TOG Arkon for helping me test this new patch. ggs!
Server details - here -

note: id are releasing a QUAKE 4 1.4.2 powered Multiplayer Demo soon

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[forum] PM lost 
Tuesday, 12 June, 2007, 02:18 - >Misc Chat
I lost a Private Message 12-June-07 due to an Anti-Spam routine.
It was deleted before I saw it. I also didn't see who actually sent it.
maybe it was spam! ;p

whoever it was, please send again ;]

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[RtCW] FritzBot mod night! 
Tuesday, 5 June, 2007, 02:52 - Wolfenstein
Time for another RtCW night!

FritzBot mod
Thurs 07-June-07
from 8:30pm

By request we're starting with Depot ;]

Server details - here -

All welcome!

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[ET] nedETPRO server updated 
Friday, 1 June, 2007, 14:13 - Enemy Territory
The nedETPRO server has been updated.

• GA season 10 config
• other configs GA season 10 based
• map cycles updated
• GA season 10 OBJ and SW cycles made

map cycle details - here -
-note: cycles aren't loaded at all times-

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[Q4] Quake 4 server completed 
Thursday, 31 May, 2007, 12:05 - Quake
I've set up a Quake 4 server using the beta patch v1.4.1
There are many multiplay changes with this release.

Read the 1.3 to 1.4.1 beta patch changelog for details
default location is C:\Program Files\id Software\Quake 4\CHANGES_14.txt

Server details - here -

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[ET] GA season 10 custom map list released 
Thursday, 31 May, 2007, 11:32 - Enemy Territory
The GameArena season 10 custom map list is as follows:


ALL these maps are now on the server and ready to play.
Maps can be downloaded from server or - here -

New today on the server are:

bremen_b2 -update-
supplydepot -new_install-
sw_cathedral_b7 -new_install-

- see the readme files for details -

Soon the drop down lists and the season 10 configs will be released.
Map-cycles and configs updated soon.

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[ET] map update --- Negoshk (beta 2) 
Wednesday, 30 May, 2007, 10:40 - Enemy Territory
Negoshk by Nenquel has been updated to beta 2.
This map is on the pre season 10 SW map-cycle (see below post).

Changes and Fixes:
• Deleted a few houses and put in a "hill"
• Added a tree ^^
• Last axis spawn is bigger to avoid spawnkilling
• Depots Names are South/West and East instead of 1,2 and 3
• New Command Map
• Command Map Markers work

Download from server or - here -

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[ET] >> CTF-Face (beta 1) update << 
Tuesday, 29 May, 2007, 10:32 - Enemy Territory
The original install of CTF-Face (beta 1) was an incorrect version. The correct version is now on the forum for download and also on the server.

>> if you downloaded this map from here or the server BEFORE 8:30pm 29-May-07 then please delete ctf_face_b1.pk3 from your etmain folder and reinstall (it's well worth it!) <<

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