Wednesday, 2 April, 2008, 23:52 - >Misc Chat
Hello!I'm currently moving house etc and have had little time to do anything lately. This in combination with the test server being offline has ment everything has been on hold for a while and looks to be the same for another week or so.
Once I'm moved in etc the server will be back online and time will be my friend again ;p
things to do when back online
finally finish FarCry 2v2 Assault server/mod - link -
set up a Medal of Honor Airborne v1.3 test server - link -
set up a Doom 3 Last Man Standing v4 mod server - -
(once tested and set up, this will be hosted via
I'm also looking at finally completeing my SOF2 weapons balancing mod - link -
Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars
I want to do some more work on my client configs
set up a test v1.5 beta server - link -
set up a test competition mod beta server - link -
start looking and setting up test nights for upcoming mods
(eg. Wheels of War - )
so much to do and so little time!
cyas all soon ;p
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