ned's blog

[ET] new maps --- Sub base & Venice 
Tuesday, 20 February, 2007, 10:00 - Enemy Territory
I've installed a potential new comp map called Sub Base by d3coy. The current version is beta 4 and is progressing nicely.
The allies have taken control of an Axis Sub Base. An Axis task force has been sent back to this base to steal their own Enigma Decoder machine from the Allies

I've also installed an oldie but a goodie --- Venice!
This has FritzBot support!

Maps can be downloaded from server or - here -

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[D3] nedDOOM3 server online! 
Monday, 19 February, 2007, 23:54 - Doom
By request the nedDOOM3 server is back online and running on the latest patch v1.3.1

At the moment it's setup for default maps only.
nedMAPPACK v6 in testing now... stay tuned!

...more details soon!

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[UT04] UT2Vote v5.6 released! 
Saturday, 17 February, 2007, 23:33 - Unreal
ProAsm and his team have released a new version of their voting mutator for UT2004.

Some changes/fixes:
• menu more user friendly
• restored access to the default settings in WebAdmin
• addition of semiadmin functions

- -

I'll be updating my UT2004 server soon.
...stay tuned!
Current details - here -

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[ET] map news --- mrfin 
Saturday, 17 February, 2007, 04:40 - Enemy Territory
mrfin has created, in my opinion, some of the best maps in ET history! Here is some news!

• Fritzbot team are working on this map (__BRIDGES__.pk3)

• Fritzbot team are working on this map (lighthouse.pk3)

The etna project.
mrfin is working together with another mapper called FireFly (who made Tram Fight).
See mrfin's site for details - click 'latest project')
- -

Bridges, Lighthouse and Tram Fight can be downloaded from the server or - here -

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[FEAR] map news --- Lobotomy 
Saturday, 17 February, 2007, 03:26 - FEAR
Lobotomy is recreating the Unreal Tournament map Roughinery. The map is in it's early beta stage but is still available for public play at BoI~SuperGunsInsanity -

For those that don't know, Lobotomy is recreating the UT map Tokara Forest!
Details here - here -

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[ET] map update --- Base 12 (beta 6) 
Saturday, 17 February, 2007, 03:03 - Enemy Territory
TF has released an update for Base 12

beta 6 changes:
- Allies can spawn also downstairs now in their first spawn (also this room is bigger now)
- Edited terrain
- Some texture changes

ET-Cup is holding a Base 12 special event!
- -
- -

Base 12 can be downloaded from the server or - here -

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[PREY] new patch released --- v1.3 
Saturday, 17 February, 2007, 02:58 - Prey
Happy days for mac users!
This update include compatibility files for the Mac port of Prey. There are no bug fixes or new content in this release.

This patch will update any version of Prey.

Official site here:
- -

Prey server coming soon!
Prey demo server details - here -

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[ET] new map --- Frost Competition (beta 2) 
Wednesday, 14 February, 2007, 08:04 - Enemy Territory
CyburK has released a competition version of his map Frost after feedback from the ET community.

Details - here -

Full info regarding changes from initial Frost map included in the readme.
Frost and Frost Competition are both on the server.

Download from server or - here -

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[ET] etpromapscript updates 
Sunday, 11 February, 2007, 08:33 - Enemy Territory
I've updated some mapscripts on the nedETPRO server.

Adlernest - fixes destroyed wall bug - Dersaidin
Base 12 - removed wait before wm_endround - ned
SW Goldrush TE - fixes pillar cheat - KingJackaL
(I've removed the wait time before wm_endround on sw_goldrush_te)

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[RtCW] RtCW FritzBot mod server coming soon! 
Sunday, 11 February, 2007, 08:26 - Wolfenstein
Due to not enough numbers in the RtCW OSP nights I've decided to have up and running the FritzBot mod so players can be added when required.

New required files for now:
• Fritz RtCW v0.53
• Fritz RtCW v0.54 patch
• Fritz RtCW v0.54b patch

Download from - here -

...more details soon!

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