ned's blog

[L4D] Precinct 84 now on main server 
Saturday, 19 March, 2011, 04:44 - Left 4 Dead
Posted by ned
Precinct 84 by Keldorn is now a complete campaign and a damn good one! I've just given it a playthrough. Unique features, great atmosphere and an excellent weapons/packs layout. The "Scavenge" style gameplay for the finale works very well and can be quite a challange. Precinct 84 is now on the main server. Thanks to Unknown and Racer X for helping me with the playtest.
Ever wondered how L4d2 gascan scavenge would play out in l4d1? Now for the first time you can! Experince the versus and coop Scavenge finale in the original game. Complete with a unique animated police vehicle cutscene!

Left 4 Dead - Precinct 84

Left 4 Dead server details - HERE -

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