ned's blog

Mumble voice comms server coming soon 
Saturday, 20 November, 2010, 00:34 - >Games (PC)
Posted by ned
I'm making available a Mumble voice comms server to all players who play on any of my servers. Friends of these players are also welcome.

Mumble is an open source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software primarily intended for use while gaming.

Details coming soon..

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[FC2] Far Cry 2 and Windows 7 
Friday, 19 November, 2010, 23:29 - Far Cry
Posted by ned
Far Cry 2 players that use any version of Windows 7 cannot auto download custom maps. Placing winhttp.dll from Windows XP into the game's \Far Cry 2\bin folder fixes this.

Windows 7 is not an OS that Ubisoft will support with regards to Far Cry 2 - link -

FIX SOURCE - discussion thread

Download winhttp.dll - LINK - 200KB

Far Cry 2 server details - link -

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[FC2] PunkBuster install available for download 
Friday, 19 November, 2010, 09:20 - Far Cry
Posted by ned
PunkBuster is no longer contratced to support Far Cry 2. For ranked multiplayer Far Cry 2 gaming, PunkBuster is required to be enabled on both the server and client which can be a problem with new installs of the game because the PunkBuster client will now not update automatically and you can no longer manually get the required updates from the PB website. Also, after the 1.03 patch the game's remote admin functions broke so now PB is the only way to remotely administor a Far Cry 2 server. Server utilities exist but these do not function remotely.

I've made available for download a Far Cry 2 PunkBuster install.
Server version v1.734 | A1392 C2.159
Client version v2.159 | A1392

If you are having PunkBuster issues then try installing this pack (save your original pb folder first).

-make a copy of your original pb folder
-remove pb folder from game install
-add the downloaded pb folder to game install

\Far Cry 2\bin\pb

Download - LINK ~5MB -

Far Cry 2 server details - link -

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[FC2] Far Cry 2 server now running 
Wednesday, 17 November, 2010, 10:35 - Far Cry
Posted by ned
A quick note for now..

• Far Cry 2 server now running 24/7 - - link -

• Custom map testing soon, maps by DaWorFizm
• First map is Osseous Labyrinth
• Details to be announced..

Contact me if you're interested in being involved in custom map testing events.
- Contact Ned (link top right section of blog)
- PM me (Ned) at - link -

- Contact DaWorFizm at - -

Discussion of Osseous Labyrinth can be done at D.Worf's site or in an upcoming thread in the public shooter forum over at

Stay tuned!

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[L4D] Silent Fear updated 
Tuesday, 26 October, 2010, 10:32 - Left 4 Dead
Posted by ned
Adam Sierra has updated his unique Left 4 Dead experience, Silent Fear. If you haven't yet played this map I suggest you do so.. it's quite a ride. This latest update addresses custom sounds after the recent game engine update. It's great to see a mapper continuing support. Unfortunately though one known bug is still present.


We also found a bug where if you jump behind the brick wall that has the list of glyphs on it you can't get out. For now this is on my test server but will be added to the main server asap pending updates.

Left 4 Dead servers info - HERE -

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[L4D] DeadCity update 
Saturday, 23 October, 2010, 23:50 - Left 4 Dead
Posted by ned
ilcannibal has updated DeadCity. It's great to this campaign development being so active.
* Special Notes (all Maps)
- fix model errors because of "The Sacifice" Valve update
- some problems maybe present due to Valve updates
- add custom sounds & mission start level files
- fixed FPS causing some gameplay problems
- update mission.txt for custom music
- add sound.cache files
- updated nav files

DeadCity is on both servers.

Left 4 Dead servers info - HERE -

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[L4D] Dark Blood update and.. Crash Bandicoot L4D style! 
Friday, 22 October, 2010, 22:29 - Left 4 Dead
Posted by ned
CastorJudo has updated his four map Campaign Dark Blood to v2. This is a big update which includes Versus tweaks, engine and BOT improvements. See the readme for details!

Dark Blood is on both servers.


FlyingBandicoot has made a 4 map Left 4 Dead Campaign based on levels from the Crash Bandicoot series. Since the 'L4D The Sacrifice' update where they added VPK audio cache support the customs sounds aren't working but this is currently being addressed and an updated version will hopefully be out soon. A bit of a pain for mappers BUT much better for everyone once updated.

Crash Bandicoot Course v4.0 is currently on the test server and will be added to the main server once the customs sounds have been sorted.

Left 4 Dead servers info - HERE -

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[L4D] Server news 
Thursday, 21 October, 2010, 08:43 - Left 4 Dead
Posted by ned
I've removed Fort Noesis and I Hate Mountains from the main server. It looks like both Campaigns are no longer being developed which is a shame. Both are so close to being fully playable without major issues.

SOURCE - Fort Noesis
SOURCE I Hate Mountains - forum - Where is v1.2?

Both of these are still on the test server which is run on request or if the main server is full.

Jungle Crisis is also now only available on the test server.

Left 4 Dead servers info - HERE -

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[FC2] Far Cry 2 multiplar maps info... 
Sunday, 17 October, 2010, 05:19 - Far Cry
Posted by ned
I've updated the Far Cry 2 multiplar maps info page with plan images of each of the official maps.

- LINK -

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[ARMA2-OA] server coming soon.. 
Thursday, 14 October, 2010, 10:26 - ArmA
Posted by ned
I've added ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead to my to-do server list. An awesome coop military sim! Initial server testing went well, I just have to tweak bandwidth and difficulty settings to my liking. A small amount of custom content will be added. Test nights soon.

Stay tuned...

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