ned's blog

[ET] customs night 19 info! 
Friday, 13 October, 2006, 03:34 - Enemy Territory

Thursday 19-Oct-06
from 8:30pm

The Lighthouse (final)
• from the creator of Bridges!
• amazing atmosphere!
• great gameplay!

Golden Dunk (alpha 2)
• CTF style goodness!
• full details - here -
• see below post

Maps can be downloaded from server or - here -

Customs nights info/history - here -

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[ET] new map --- Golden Dunk 
Friday, 13 October, 2006, 03:06 - Enemy Territory
This map name kept appearing on various ET forums around the place so I thought I'd go and check it out. I first saw it on the Final Remption public server -

Golden Dunk map is alot of fun! For full details see - here -
Thanks to Aki for the english translation!

Download map from server or - here -

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[ET] xfire update v1.64 
Friday, 13 October, 2006, 02:47 - Enemy Territory
Xfire v1.64 has added proper colouring of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory names (thanks to James Abbatiello)!

happy days!

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[ET] map news --- The Lighthouse goes final! 
Tuesday, 10 October, 2006, 09:27 - Enemy Territory
mrfin's second map The Lighthouse has gone final!

Main changes since the beta releases:
• Wreck has been altered to provide covering fire on the main entrance bunkers
from the rear end of the ship
• When Axis team take the forward flag it becomes their default spawn until allies retake it
• Access to the compound wall has been limited to reduce spawn camping.

For the uncultured, mrfin's first map was Bridges :)
- -

Download from the server or - here -

The lighthouse will be played on customs night 19
Customs night info/history - here -

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[ET] FritzBot updated! 
Sunday, 8 October, 2006, 13:48 - Enemy Territory
A new version of the FritzBot mod has been released and patched. This version, v0.70b + patch, includes new map support, some AI tweaks and bug fixes.

I've added Reactor to the map cycle!

FritzBot downloads - here -

NOTE: If you have played this mod before please DELETE your current fritzbot folder then install this latest version.

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[ET] new map --- Saberpeak 
Sunday, 8 October, 2006, 12:19 - Enemy Territory
This map has been requested several times. I've hesitated to install it due to some bugs and the creator not wanting to release a fixed version. But, Mortis has come to the rescue with a server mapscript that at least fixes the end game time issue! I wasn't able to produce the ship damage bug in testing so maybe all fixed!

Saberpeak web site (with explanation of bugs) - here -

Download from server or - here -

This will be played in a future Customs Night!
Customs Nights info/history - here -

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[ET] nedETTV testing 
Monday, 2 October, 2006, 10:48 - Enemy Territory
I'm testing ETTV binaries and settings at the moment so some lag (maybe a lot at times) will occurr... sorry for this but the testing should sort it eventually.


edit: thanks for everyones patience during this testing! I can now have the server running as a master when required with minimal lag for the players. Lag spikes have been reduced by setting ettv_sv_iptos to 16 for those interested. Unfortionatley ettv_mtu will on run at default ie. 1400. Anything above this will crash the master and any slaves if they try to connect. This rules out big slave servers (i think). Also, this new version of ETTV has broken some aspects of demo viewing.

The server will now be running et.exe v2.60b.
ettv.exe will only be run when required.

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[D3] nedDOOM3 mod 
Sunday, 1 October, 2006, 09:10 - Doom
I've finally put together pages for my Doom 3 mod, server and map pack info!

nedDOOM3 [RealDamage] info and download - here -
nedDOOM3 server and map pack v5 info - here -

Also available from:

* gamespot - link -
* doom3 filefront - link -
* videogames1 mtv - link -
* GameArena - link -

NOTE: the GameArena download has the updated readme
(see info page^^^)


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[ET] customs night 18 info! 
Sunday, 1 October, 2006, 09:00 - Enemy Territory

Thursday 05-Oct-06
from 8:30pm

Crevasse (beta 1)
• by the creator of Adlernest
• competion map
• xfire review - here -

El Kef (GA_test5)
• a reworking of the initial SW version
• see below post for map info
• El Kef (SW) played on night 15
• El Kef (GA_test3) played on night 17

Maps can be downloaded from server or - here -

Customs night info/history - here -

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[ET] map news --- El Kef 
Saturday, 30 September, 2006, 23:49 - Enemy Territory
Marko has released GameArena test version 5 of El Kef! He's modified the SW version of the map to improve comp play.

GA test 1 release notes:
• removed the first allied spawns and moved them in the courtyard, under the big woodden shelter
• changed axis respawn time to 30 seconds instead of 25
• added a balcony overlooking the flag courtyard to replace the house with narrow windows that was almost a dead end for allies
• added a second team door for the allied forwar spawn. When the main gate blows, this provides a larger exit for allies.
• enlarged the main gate access for allies at forward spawn exit. Half of the building doing the corner in that map section has been deleted
• removed detail in the different critical paths to reduce congestion
• removed the dynamitable wall to the command post. It's now replaced with an open door way
• fixed a couple of graphical bugs & glitches
• moved the ladder just above the flag, to make jumping down easier
• enlarged the axis last spawn door way. It was extremely narrow, only allowing 1 player to run out at a time
• moved the trucks the docs have to be taken to. It's a little more forwards now, which means it's no longer in the allies' way when they exit the forward spawn
• removed the defense door to the docs. This should highly weaken axis defense

GA test 2 release notes:
• texture bug fixes (e.g small doorway exit of old indoor allied spawn...)
• ammo & health racks in first courtyard moved over to the opposite side
• enlarged doorways after the forward spawn to make access to all buildings easier
• fiddled with trigger entites to make the picking up & dropping off of the objective easier. This should avoid players needing to jump on the table / truck pick up / secure the objective.
• fixed "spawning on top of each other" bug. This was just a lack of spawn entities for allies :)
• improved FPS !!! (finally lol). There's still a bit of work to do on this but it's gradually getting better & better \o/

GA test 3 release notes:
• fps improvements

GA test 4 release notes:
• added split access to the CP for allies

GA test 5 release notes:
• fixed graphical glitch found by Blackjack & Syd

-post will be editted as map progresses-

-GA_test5 on server now-
Map can be downloaded from server or - here -

GameArena El Kef discussion - here -

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