ned's blog

[L4D] Campaign update - Heaven can wait 
Sunday, 1 August, 2010, 07:15 - Left 4 Dead
Posted by ned
The Heaven can wait campaign has been updated to v8 and is on the Test Server. There's no changelog but user feedback suggests bug and texture fixes.

edit: After playing v8 I've uploaded it to the Main server. It could do with some polishing but it's current version is very playable. It's a tuff one too! I like the way they didn't give us too many direction hints which forces exploration..

Left 4 Dead servers info - HERE -

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[D3] server IP change 
Sunday, 4 July, 2010, 10:27 - Doom
Posted by ned
The nedDOOM3 server has changed IP. to

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[L4D] new IP and Campaign 
Sunday, 4 July, 2010, 02:57 - Left 4 Dead
Posted by ned
The main Left 4 Dead server has a new IP.
It's changed from to

We Don't Go To Ravenholm is a port of the Ravenholm maps from Half Life 2 by warplane11.
v4.0 is now on the test server.

Left 4 Dead servers info - HERE -

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[L4D] Campaign update on test server 
Wednesday, 16 June, 2010, 13:02
Posted by ned
RoadToNowhere by MapEater has been updated to v1.2 Final and is on the test server now.
-Added some signs
-Fix the problem when you died you start at the end of the chapter
-the car incap insteed of kill
-fix the finale now the horde spawn in other places
-fix the intro_camera
-In chapter 4 you have more space to survive when you talk to the church guy

Left 4 Dead servers info - HERE -

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[L4D] I Hate Mountains 
Monday, 14 June, 2010, 00:48 - Left 4 Dead
Posted by ned
I Hate Mountains created by Nicolas "NykO18" Grevet, Marc "Moroes" Bidoul and Geoffroy "Kane" Espinasse with community help and support is now on both servers. This Campaign is stunning and the gameplay engages you in a way not found in many custom releases. It's also VERY actively supported. The first public release has only recently happened and the team is working hard on updating it with well over 20 fixes and tweaks. These guys are pushing the limits of the game's engine to its limits.. check the website for details.

Official site - -

There's heaps of info about the Campaign, the team and even a detailed changelog for the soon to be released version 1.2 plus much more.

When installing this, please read the readme file!

Left 4 Dead servers info - HERE -

Hello, Domo!

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[STALKER] Shadow of Chernobyl v1.0006 patch info 
Friday, 14 May, 2010, 14:09 - STALKER
Posted by ned
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, the 2007 FPS with RPG elements developed by the Ukranian developer GSC Game World and published by THQ.

Depending where you look the latest patch can be v1.0004, v1.0005 or v1.0006
Turns out the v1.0006 patch was developed but only partially published!

More details - HERE -

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[L4D] new campaign on test server 
Thursday, 13 May, 2010, 12:58 - Left 4 Dead
Posted by ned
I've added a campaign by MapEater called RoadToNowhere. It's at a beta stage so it's buggy but it's still worth a game. There are also a few graphics and fps issues and I think the finale is too easy but I'm hoping at least most of the negatives will get sorted out with future releases.

It's great to play a campaign that doesn't 'feel' similar to the originals!

I'll add this one to the main server pending updates.

Left 4 Dead servers info - HERE -

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[L4D] new additions to servers! 
Sunday, 2 May, 2010, 10:56 - Left 4 Dead
Posted by ned
I've added two more campaigns to both servers.

Dark Blood v1.9 Beta is set on a tankership and offers both co-op and versus. It's still in beta stage so there may be a few updates coming. As it is now it plays very well.
-thanks to TOG Unknown for letting me know about this one-

Suicide Blitz v3.0 is another map that plays well and doesn't have any "samey" feel to it like many custom campaigns do. The author, R.T. Frisk, is still active with this project having recently fixed a major AI issue that prevented me from wanting to upload this to the main server. It's on there now, fixed and ready to play!

Left 4 Dead servers info - HERE -

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[COD:B-OPS] new Call of Duty: Black Ops due NOV 2010 
Saturday, 1 May, 2010, 01:19 - Call of Duty
Posted by ned

The seventh title in the series, Call Of Duty: Black Ops is set during the Vietnam War, and will focus on members of the Studies and Observations Group, a covert group undertaking the most dangerous and secretive missions of the conflict.

From Cuba to the Arctic and the jungles of Vietnam, Call of Duty: Black Ops features stunning cinematic graphics and intense gameplay that puts you right at the heart of the action.

SOURCE - Call Of Duty: Black Ops Official Website Goes Live; Out November 9th
SOURCE - Call Of Duty: Black Ops Heading To The Arctic & Cuba Too

Call of Duty: Black Ops is being developed by Treyarch, an Activision studio and is due for release NOV 2010

Call Of Duty: Black Ops | Home

For me, the Call of Duty series peaked at United Offensive. I will however be following the news on this one. The release time is simialr to the new Medal of Honor and I have an interest in both due to past games. It'll be interesting to see how the developers try to make their respective titles stand-out from each other. Time will tell all.


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[MOH] thoughts and info on Medal of Honor 2010 
Saturday, 1 May, 2010, 00:43 - Medal of Honor
Posted by ned
The up-coming Medal of Honor is utising two game engines. Unreal Engine 3 for singleplayer and Frostbite engine for multiplayer. I don't know of a game that's done that before. I love both engines so I'm keen to see how this plays in both singleplayer and multiplayer. I really enjoyed the singleplayer element of Battlefied: Bad Company 2 and would have liked the news of this new Medal of Honor using the same Frostbite engine for its singleplayer. Apparently the Unreal Engine 3 will be heavily modified so some surprises may be on the way. Either way I'm confident it'll be a winning game for many. But who will like the singleplay and multiplay?

Even though DICE have stated people shouldn’t expect a clone of Bad Company 2 for Medal of Honor’s multiplayer it doesn't look like good news for me with Battlefield: Bad Company 2 players getting awarded in Medal of Honor with early access to the M24 sniper rifle so it looks like the MP aspect of this games will use a similar stat-unlock-award system to the Battlefield series which I've never liked. Why penalise newbies??

SOURCE - Medal of Honor using two game engines
SOURCE - DICE: Medal of Honor won't copy BFBC2
SOURCE - blog - Get early access to M24


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