ned's blog

[D3] Pro-dm map-pack available for download 
Tuesday, 3 July, 2007, 11:11 - Doom
These Pro-dm series of maps are modified versions of original Doom 3 multiplayer maps. According to the author, James Williams, fairer and better for comp play.

Available to play - -
º nedDOOM3 mod server, details - here -
º runs nedMAPPACK v6, details - here -

Pro-dm details - here -

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[D3] nedMAPPACK v6 completed! 
Monday, 2 July, 2007, 12:35 - Doom
I've finished putting together probably the final map-pack for the nedDOOM3 server. 19 custom maps in a 20 map rotation. Each map can be played in any gametype. Pack includes all original readme files in one .zip and an example mapcycle script.

Thanks to -AJ- for helping me map test, good games!
Thanks also to Tanya for her patience <3

nedMAPPACK v6 is on the server now.

For full mod and map details plus more see - here -

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[D3] nedDOOM3 mod update 
Thursday, 28 June, 2007, 12:04 - Doom
...just a minor adjustment to the mod

• renamed the .pk4 and folder so all letters are in lower-case
this prevents the linux players getting errors!
• added info to readme file

Thanks to TUB BullFrag (formally of cyberSLAMMERS {cS}) for the linux info!
I would never have figured the linux client errors out ;o

Server details plus more - here -
Full mod details - here -

nedMAPPACK v6 released within the next week!

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[D3] nedMAPPACK v6 2nd trial maps listed 
Saturday, 23 June, 2007, 03:21 - Doom
OK... I've finally put together a list of maps that I think will be in the nedMAPPACK v6

Testing in all gametypes will start soon after I complete a map-cycle and package the map-pack.

Here is the list:
Dark Base
d2map01 - Entryway
Dark Town (replaced D3DM_LV1024)
The Campgrounds
Catacomb v2
Blood Burns 2
Mancer01 Reincarnated EX
Tomiko Reactor
Wrong Turn
Deep Sea Research
Station M

Map details including author credits etc - here -
nedDOOM3 server details plus more - here -

edit: replaced D3DM_LV1024 with Dark Town

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[D3] Last Man Standing Coop mod news!! 
Wednesday, 9 May, 2007, 10:05 - Doom
LMS Co-op v4 is being released soon!

• compatible with Doom 3 patch v1.3.1
• networking tweaks
• fps tweaks
• new maps
• plus much more!

news details - here -

This is a fantastic mod! Highy recommended. Play against the Doom 3 monsters with your mates online or over a LAN, either way it's happy times for all involved ;p

I'll have a server up for this when it's released.
...more info soon

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[D3] FAQ re problems entering Doom 3 servers completed 
Saturday, 21 April, 2007, 04:24 - Doom
I've given explanations of three common issues people get when trying to enter a Doom 3 server.
"this server requires punkbuster"
"server uses protocol 1.41"
"Data not in sync with server data"

details - here -

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[D3] new server IP update! 
Friday, 2 March, 2007, 10:26 - Doom
The nedDOOM3 server has a new IP.
- -

Server details - here -

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[D3] nedDOOM3 server online! 
Monday, 19 February, 2007, 23:54 - Doom
By request the nedDOOM3 server is back online and running on the latest patch v1.3.1

At the moment it's setup for default maps only.
nedMAPPACK v6 in testing now... stay tuned!

...more details soon!

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[D3] patch v1.3.1 released 
Wednesday, 7 February, 2007, 10:03 - Doom
Details - here - :
Fri Feb 2 14:59:44 CST 2007

Doom 3(TM) 1.3.1

We've posted a Doom 3 update (version 1.3.1) to ftp and torrent. You will find a detailed list of changes below.
There is nothing major in this update, but we had accumulated various fixes and improvements over recent months
and we felt it was worth putting a new release out. We've been testing the game under Vista, and we're also
bringing back cross-platform multiplayer compatibility with the Mac (the installer was contributed by Aspyr[1]).

A few notes about Vista:

We've tested Doom 3 and Quake 4 to run fine on Windows Vista, provided you have an OpenGL ICD installed
(provided by your GPU vendor). Both NVidia and AMD/ATI have released an OpenGL ICD in their latest driver line.

If no OpenGL ICD is present, the default OpenGL driver is a wrapper to D3D provided by Microsoft, which lacks the
necessary features to run id games with their full performance and graphical impact.

The install CDs (and DVDs) for Doom 3 and Quake 4 will install the game fine under Vista. The Quake 4 installer
may require you to install Flash Player first, and Vista may pop occasional warning windows but in the end
you will get a working installation.

Fixes and updates in 1.3.1:
- Tested and improved Vista compatibility
- Fix a potential crash in physics
- Fix an issue with pak downloaded being immediately appended without filesystem restart
- Fixes to DNS lookup, reduced the stalls
- Updated the code to gcc 4.0 compliance, for Mac OSX universal binaries and GNU/Linux x86 binaries
- Threading implementation for Mac and Linux is more compliant with the Win32 behaviours
- Fix Alsa sound backend (Linux)
- Fixes to tty code (Linux)

Fixes for modding/SDK:
- Fix RevBitFieldSwap issue (affected only big endian platforms)
- Fix ReadBindFromSnapshot
- Verbose overflow check in idBitMsg::WriteBits and apply related fixes
- Fix a GetFileList issue
- Expose key states and button states to the game
- Pass lastPredictFrame to the game (client prediction)
- Pass HandleMainMenuCommands to the game
- Pass the GUID to the game (in ClientConnect call)
- Allow game to override gui load menu

• this patch also changes server protocol so client MUST equal server version to join. If you patch your client you will NOT be able to join v1.3 servers.
• this will patch ANY current Doom 3 version to v1.3.1

The nedDOOM3 mod server will be running with this latest patch soon.

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[D3] nedDOOM3 mod and MapPack v6 online soon! 
Wednesday, 7 February, 2007, 09:57 - Doom
My Doom 3 mod will be online again sometime soon with a new mappack. This new mappack will be v6 and testing will start within the next week or two for map/mod compatibility. Contact me if you would like to help test some Doom 3 maps =]

nedDOOM3 mod details - here -

...stay tuned

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