ned's blog

[ET] custom nights 14 info! 
Saturday, 5 August, 2006, 23:32 - Enemy Territory
Oh Yes!

night 14
Thursday 10-Aug-06
from 8:30pm

Heart of Gold (beta 12)
- looks to be the last beta before final
- CP spawn alterations from last version on server
- beta 9 is on the GameArnea season 7 ladder map list
- beta 12 (or final) will probably be played in season 8

Raw Castle (final)
- it's here!
- gameplay and graphics improvements
- castle trickjump disabled (or at least made harder)
- very fast and action packed map!

Download Heart of Gold - HERE -
Download Raw Castle - HERE -

Customs nights info/history - HERE -

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[ET] new IP ! 
Saturday, 5 August, 2006, 03:47 - Enemy Territory
The nedETPRO server has a new IP.

cya there soon =]

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[D3] doom 3 server offline 
Saturday, 5 August, 2006, 03:46 - Doom
The nedDOOM3 [RealDamage] server is offline till further notice.

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[ET] server version updates 
Tuesday, 1 August, 2006, 13:34 - Enemy Territory
Due to security concerns I've re-updated the server to v2.60b

ETTV has been updated to beta 11 from beta 9
(which has fixed the apparent packet lose master issue!)
changes from beta 9 include
• upgrade to et 2.60b with security bugfix
• fix spectator inactivity bug
• fixes for network lag
• fix lag on map changes

-clients DO NOT update to v2.60b-
-have to wait untill etpro 3.2.6 is released and on the GameArena servers-
-any question just ask :)-

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[ET] spawn time changes to Warbell 
Saturday, 29 July, 2006, 02:14 - Enemy Territory
I've changed the spawntimes for Warbell as per McNite's recommendation - HERE -

current attack/defend spawn times are 20/30
default attack/defend spawn times are 15/20
note: axis attack

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[ET] new map --- Heart of Gold (beta 12) 
Friday, 28 July, 2006, 22:34 - Enemy Territory
Heart of Gold (beta 12) has been released!

12 betas seems like a lot but not all were public releases.
The creators of this map have stated that this is the last beta before final :)

Allies are searching for the “Heart of Gold”, a famous gold ingot stolen in
Paris. The Resistance informed the Allies that the Axis are keeping it in
“Boissaint”, a French village in the Alps waiting for reinforcement coming from Bergheim.

changes from the last public release:
-from Uchronic-
• The Command Post:
It gives a spawn point to whatever team construct it (until the Gate has been destroyed).
At start, the axis command post is pre-constructed, and the axis own the cp spawn point. If the CP is destroyed, each team spawn at their default spawn point.

Once the Gate has been destroyed, the CP only offers a spawnpoint to the allie team. But the axis can gain an advantage over the allies by destroying it, and forcing them to spawn back in the garage.

Now that the Allies have the opportunity to spawn directly to the CP, the defense will be much more difficult for the axis...

• Objective Area
You'll find less mines areas, a protection against FFE, and little details to improve this area.

Two versions of this map have been released.
1. normal
2. destructible truck

Normal version is on server now.
Download from - HERE -

note: i encountered textured issues UNTIL i removed ALL previous versions from etmain.

Heart of Gold (beta 8) was played on customs night 6
Customs nights history/info - HERE -

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[ET] new map --- Raw Castle (final) !! 
Tuesday, 25 July, 2006, 11:16 - Enemy Territory
It's here! Raw Castle has gone final! This map plays just as good as it looks... awesome!
Changes from beta 3 include:
• transmitter relocation
• graphics and script bug fixes
• graphics improvements including new textures
• disabled (or at least made harder) trickjump points
• etpro fireteam locations - by me =] -
- see readme for details -

On server now!
Raw Castle will be hosted for a public customs night soon.

customs night history/info - HERE -

Download - HERE -

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[ET] etpro v3.2.6 beta 1 
Tuesday, 25 July, 2006, 08:51 - Enemy Territory
A test version of the etpro mod v3.2.6 has been released. This version will include some nice fixes and functions.
• 2.60b support
• competition fueldump
• 6 new crosshairs
• rifle grenade bug fixes
• show who did team commands like pause, specinvite, readyteam
- plus much more coming!

Stay tuned! =]

note - i recommend you DO NOT install/setup this version YET.

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[SOF] OSP v1.1 released! 
Tuesday, 25 July, 2006, 08:45 - Soldier of Fortune
Well it's been a while but monk has re-emerged to continue his work with the OSP mod with the help of some new contributors. The last version was 1.0L

This latest see some cvars taken from Enemy Territory (these are server-side)
- add: osp_fixedhz <0|1> [default 1] serverside cvar. this will impliment 125hz fixed frequency to prevent framerate dependant physics for jumps, weapons etc
- add: insert osp_fixedhz into /settings and serverinfo. this will show up in a game browser (all seeing eye etc) as being enabled/disabled
- add: match_mutespecs <0|1> allow/prevents spectators from chatting during a match
- add: match_latejoin <0|1> prevents/allows players from joining a match
- add: cvars to control messing spamming of clients. These default to "0"
- g_msgs <n> Duration in seconds between messages sent to users
Setting g_msgs to 10 will spam a message to all clients every 10 seconds
- g_msg<n> <string> where x is a number. Messages will be displayed from lowest to higher (0-9)
- g_msgprefix <string> where string is a prefix. ie: set g_msgprefix "^1OSP ^2TEST ^3SERVER:"
- g_msgpos <n> position of messages
- <0> screen area
- <1> center screen
- <2> console

The update also includes security and minor bug fixes.

Download client and server packs - here -

As you can see from the download page, v1.2 and v2 are in progress!
I'll keep you posted =]

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[ET] info for my ET servers is complete! 
Saturday, 22 July, 2006, 05:32 - Enemy Territory
phew! after much tweaking, config and forum post editting ALL info regarding my ET servers in the forum is COMPLETE. :P

nedETPRO server
nedETPRO customs nights
nedET FritzBot


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