ned's blog

[ET] FritzBot server update 
Sunday, 20 July, 2008, 23:04 - Enemy Territory
420Blunt has made a playable version 1 waypoint pack for Rail Gun! Due to the mod not being finished, this map has eluded waypointers for quite some time. It plays OK but needs feedback... it's a 'work in progress'. Contact me with feedback or post on the official FritzBot forum - link.

TomTom has updated his Glider 3 pack to version 0.05
-improved CP use
-better balancing
-note: island spawn still not being used (for now)

Both updates are now on the server. There have been quite a few new things happening with FrtitzBot support recently so a full night of play testing is coming soon!

nedET FritzBot details - here -

>> stay tuned for test night date/time and map-cycle details!

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[ET] maps added to FritzBot map-cycle 
Wednesday, 9 July, 2008, 00:04 - Enemy Territory
I've installed the beta keyword_fix on the server. This fix enables larger maps to be waypointed and played. Info - link.

Maps added to the map-cycle:
-The Port

nedET FritzBot details - here -

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[ET] ET server update! 
Friday, 4 July, 2008, 00:42 - Enemy Territory
I've added some maps to the FritzBot server and ETPro server.

new maps for FritzBot:
-Bloody Omaha - TNR360 -
-Bremen - Dersaidin -
-Crevasse - Dersaidin -
-Darji 2 - Loffy -

a couple of new maps in progress added for download
-Rock Eyes - zedd -
-The Port - Magic -

info and download links - here -

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[ET] Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Map Source Files Released 
Friday, 27 June, 2008, 22:53 - Enemy Territory
We are happy to announce that we have received approval from Kevin Cloud over at id Software to release the source maps that we created during our development of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. This is a belated present to mark Wolf:ET's fifth birthday that we reported on last month. The package is a modest 6 Megabytes in size and includes source .map files for all six of the officially released maps.

On a side note, for those of you wanting to import the maps into Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars, jRAD and Torchy assure me that this is indeed possible as EditWorld will happily import *.map files. Keep in mind that it will require some of the obvious texture path replacements and entity work, though.

- -

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[ET] FritzBot server updates soon 
Sunday, 15 June, 2008, 12:15 - Enemy Territory
News and new maps for server soon! Stay Tuned!

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[ET] TomTom's FritzBot recruitment posters! 
Friday, 30 May, 2008, 11:05 - Enemy Territory
TomTom has made some ET FritzBot recruitment pics from old WWII posters. There are quite good :)

TomTom's posters - here -

FritzBot site - -
TomTom's site - -

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[ET] FritzBot CAHA: Tavern (beta2) pack update 
Saturday, 12 April, 2008, 09:10 - Enemy Territory
Since my test server went offline TomTom has updated his CAHA: Tavern (beta2) pack to v1.01
1.01 Release update w minor bug fix by TomTom February 27, 2008
- Minor bug fix on Gen A dyno actions (were not turning off because one was linked to un-enabled disarm only actions)
- Added back in one extra dyno on gen A, and adjusted the locations and radii.
- Reused remaining actions for smoke cans
- minor gen A aiscripts changes
- New bot created to replace Timmy in recognition of nedd3hs help in this and other maps.

pack can be downloaded from server or - here -

• Further testing of maps with this mod will be happening very soon!
eg. Bridges
El Kef (GA)
Bremen (beta2) (maybe)

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[ET] FritzBot news 
Tuesday, 2 October, 2007, 11:00 - Enemy Territory
the bindlestiff has released another multi-map fritzbot pack! TomTom, the bindlestiff and 420Blunt has given us more fritzbot joy with over 15 new maps now having fritzbot support. There are also updates of previously released work.

Fritz2 multi-map BOT pack can be downloaded - here -
-full readme details in above link-

The nedET [FritzBot] server is now offline but is fired up on request. The FritzBot part of the forum has been updated.

For more FritzBot resources see TomTom's website - info -

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[ET] nedET servers down 
Monday, 20 August, 2007, 09:47 - Enemy Territory
I've turned off my ET/RtCW server. I had a great time playing and working on the server... thanks to all who joined in! Simply put, it wasn't being used the way I wanted it to be.

It's time for me to move on to a different game.
It may be Medal of Honor: Airbourne... time will tell.

ET will always be a great game ;]


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[ET] FritzBot Glider update! 
Thursday, 9 August, 2007, 23:20 - Enemy Territory
TomTom has updated his Glider 3 pack to v0.03

changes from v0.02
• lots of tweaks, new actions, routes and nodes
• new Axis dynamite and satchel actions to destroy glider on outpost catapult
• new snipe and fieldop camps to improve fight against tank
• corrected (I think) tank ent num, but bots still not mounting tamk mg42.
• better routing at outpost in support of ME109 tank attacks (bot success is still only one attack every 3 games)
• fake brush at compound's generator tank so bots need not get on top of gen to defuse. (also a node added on top of gen)
• added an extra axis fieldop to bots file
• added debug messages to script file

FritzBot Glider 3 pack (and map) can downloaded from server or - here -

This map is a lot of fun, give it a try ;]
any problems with the BOTs, please leave some feedback!

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